Sunday, April 12, 2009

Wrapping Up PHASE 1! (module#7)

I’m happy that I participated in this program. It was really big project. And I want to thank all organizers of this project for giving us chance to join this program. Thanks to DOTCOM we could know more about MEDIA and its role in our life. THANKS!!!

A. What was the most fun/exciting part of the DOTCOM PHASE 1 project for you?

The most exciting part of the DOTCOM PHASE 1 was the end of each module. When you finish your work and wait the comments from the other participants, especially the comment from Dr.W where you read nice words, useful suggestions and inspirational words at the end, like: “GO DOTCOM!” So, it’s really exciting.

B. What was the most challenging part of the DOTCOM PHASE 1 project for you?

I think that modules in DOTCOM PHASE 1 weren’t so difficult but each of them was very interesting. I think that the challenging part of the DOTCOM PHASE 1 was to find a proper video in You Tube. But it was the best part of the work!!!

C. What is one specific suggestion you have for the DOTCOM PHASE 1 project, when we do this project again?

Everything here was thought over, exciting, useful and interesting. But my suggestion for the DOTCOM project is: There were a lot guests who are professional on their work. It was very interesting to talk to them, to ask them the questions, to read their professional answers, to know their opinions and etc. But I think it’d be better also to invite participants who took part on DOTCOM project before. Good idea, isn’t it?!

funny budweiser snowball fight - horses

I like horses very much. I remember my first visit to hippodrome. It was really exciting and funny. So I decided to find the funny video with horses there. So I want to analyze the working of our brains in this video too (I have already got into the habit of doing that :)). At the beginning of the video our LIMBIC brain begins to work. Because we hear a beautiful music, see the beauty of the nature and nice horses. After a little snowball fighting our REPTILIAN brain begins to work. Especially when one of the horses slowly comes with a shrill look and looks at the other 4 horses. And…and… he just touches the tree. And-“BANG”!!! Each of those 4 horses is under the snow. And at last works our NEOCORTEX brain when we see that it was just advertising of beer “BUDWEISER” with a slogan: “Please drink responsibly”.I think that it’s very funny video with an interesting animation. What do you think?

Here are another funny videos :